STORIES - Nightmare Road
Title: Nightmare Road
Date: 2011-12-26 16:00:27
I was returning from Zahle by Dhour el Shouayr Road, and somewhere just after the village of tarchiche i hit a pothole and i have lost my front wheel. I wasn't the only person, their was somebody else but unfortunality this man has lost 2 wheels!! On this road their isn't any light the nearest village is Dhour el shouayr or Zalhle where you can find a garage (but i don't think they will open on a sunday night), so i think that this man passed a terrified night because in lebanon all our road are in very bad shape and nobody cares (our official). I think every time me or someone else will pass on this road we should pray to pass over some killing pothole. Next time i will take some pics and i will post them perhaps they will be famous and they will disappear!
Title: Nightmare Road
Date: 2011-12-26 16:00:27
I was returning from Zahle by Dhour el Shouayr Road, and somewhere just after the village of tarchiche i hit a pothole and i have lost my front wheel. I wasn't the only person, their was somebody else but unfortunality this man has lost 2 wheels!! On this road their isn't any light the nearest village is Dhour el shouayr or Zalhle where you can find a garage (but i don't think they will open on a sunday night), so i think that this man passed a terrified night because in lebanon all our road are in very bad shape and nobody cares (our official). I think every time me or someone else will pass on this road we should pray to pass over some killing pothole. Next time i will take some pics and i will post them perhaps they will be famous and they will disappear!